Our stories
Our Stories is a collection of personal accounts from Switchboard’s community, on the intersection of LGBTIQA+ identities and suicide.
Centred on lived and living experience, these stories touch upon living with and supporting loved ones through suicidality, dealing with suicide bereavement and the diverse paths towards seeking support. Our storytellers use prose, poetry and other forms of expression to explore this topic, and their stories are shared here uncensored and unedited, honouring the raw and real emotions that come with this experience.
Our Stories is regularly updated, so make sure to sign up to our newsletter here to get notified of a new one being uploaded. If you’d like to contribute your story, please get in touch at suicide.prevention@switchboard.org.au.
Charlie's Poem
And yet, I see your face and form
Hear your laughter and witness your heart.
In the micro-moments with strangers and friends
Even though I know we’re apart. -
Heathclyff's Story
After losing my partner, I felt very isolated and so I had to allow myself to connect to things that would just find their own connection to me. As I did so, I found them healing in terms of an inner journey as opposed to a prescription handed out to me by others.
Kristin's Poem
And since matter's not created or destroyed but can be rearranged
You may have become those branches reaching out to me.
Why not? You changed hourly in this world.
Raie's Story
Rejection equalled loss of connection with myself & others. This early experience led me to a cycle of substance abuse for years, just trying & fill that void - of not belonging or being good enough. It felt easier to let go and attempt suicide than to try to figure out and accept who I was, and live a better life.
Heather's Poem
With a shattered heart I mourn your passing
Not knowing my long windy road will lead
Your earthly existence no more
Now a brilliant bright star in the heavenly night sky
Guiding myself and other deer to safer grounds
Ruah's Poem
& you had closed your eyes & you had truly gone
& i am not quite sure of what elements in our equation blinded me to the deep of you
There are still rough times but I'm an expert in my own survival now.
— Raie
Anonymous Story
I feel like I have some kind of trifecta of suicide experience, my own, caring for another and the loss of many dear queer friends to suicide as well as others from outside the community and people in my biofamily. Description goes here
E's story
Wanting to die often has nothing to do with anyone else. It can be a very private and isolating experience. But the way that the external world handles this experience, although can come in many different iterations, usually reverts the responsibility of staying alive onto the person who wants to die.
K's Story
I am 48, bi and non-binary. I have worked in suicide prevention, supported people who were suicidal, lost a partner to suicide, and have experience with suicide thoughts and behaviours.
T's Story
My story of surviving suicide and of mental health treatment is one of someone who had to advocate for themselves, for safe and competent care, even when no person should reasonably have been asked to be still fighting.
H's Poem
A word I cannot escape,
as feel a certain cheer
that envelops my deepest being amongst the queer
and decidedly momentarily alive, right now, sitting here.
Leone's Story
Suicide has touched my life in many ways over the years and I imagine will continue to.
I have experienced the loss of friends and family. I have had thoughts of suicide, have made plans and have been rescued. I have lived carelessly, self-harmed and taken risks. I have had contributing factors such as an eating disorder.
In accessing support and care I have often had to step outside of my queer identity. I wasn’t closeted, but rather engaged with the world in separate ways. I didn’t integrate my identity. I normalised leaving parts of myself out.
— Anonymous
Let’s talk about suicide
Let’s talk about suicide podcast
Experiencing loss through suicide is a grief like no other. It can be difficult to find others who have similar experiences and are open to talking about their loss, especially other LGBTIQA+ people. You can hear Hamish Blunck, Joe Ball (Switchboard CEO) and Dr Louise Flynn (Support After Suicide) and other LGBTIQA+ people talk about loss through suicide on this podcast produced by JOY 94.9fm with Switchboard and Support After Suicide.